Yolande Freddie, Four Months Old!

A third of the year is down already?! How did that happen…

Baby Yolande celebrated her fourth month of life by meeting even more friends and family, learning how to blow raspberries and make cute baby yawn noises. And fleeting but wonderful moments of giggles!

We took our first family vacation to Palm Springs and enjoyed time with Uncle Ray Ray and splashing in the pool! She loves to stare at Perry the Panda and stick Wally the chew toy in her mouth - all of the activity means a bedtime from 7:30pm - 7am the next morning! Will this last… who knows? We love our gal, she continues to be the very best part of us.


Auntie Jen Hinderliter comes to visit (Jen’s bestie)

Gustavo and Jen Marks (Al’s golf bud and our pals!)

Greg “Uncle Ray Ray” Gilman (Jen’s family, Dad’s best friend)

Jen Franklin

As a former digital media and marketing executive for Yahoo and NBC Sports, Jen Franklin has launched multiple websites and social media campaigns for individual talent and major corporations.

Jen loves to tinker and tweak, to architect and advance. She care about the world around her, is tenacious about technology, and doesn’t play on the sidelines. LinkedIn | Contact


It’s Month Five and Yo’s Feelin’ Alive!


Hell(Y)o Month 3!