Stories for Yolande Freddie.

Do you have a personal story to share about Yolande’s namesakes, her parents or just want to pop in to say hello? We would love for you to record a video, write down a few sentences, or send a photo of your personal experiences.

  • How are you related to her, and what did her namesakes mean to you - are there any favorite memories of Yolande or Fred that you’d like to share?

  • Do you have any anecdotes you want to share of Al/Alfred and Jen, or just want to pop in and say hello?

We can’t wait to share your stories with her.


My mother loved to talk. She would carry on a conversation with anyone, at anytime.

A giggle would occur if someone would say something humerous, and since she was very lighthearted, little things would make her laugh easily. One day as we sat down for dinner, the phone rang (on the wall back then, no cell phones) and Mom answered the phone.

We waited patiently for her to end the converstion because we wanted to start eating dinner. She finally hung up after which seemed like an eternity, then we said “Mom, who was that on the phone.”

Nonchalantly, she said “ I don’t know, it was the wrong number. “

We were dumbfounded! Anyways, that was my Mom!
— Grandma Toutant (Diane)
So I want to talk about banana cream pie 😃 I wouldn’t say grandma was the greatest cook but she was good enough and she always fed us well. I never left grandmas house hungry.

Grandma loved her sweets, me and my mom inherited her sweet tooth, and she would often make us banana cream pie. This is a pie that you don’t find very often in bakeries or restaurants. I don’t know why she made it but I loved it! My love for banana cream pie has stayed with me my whole life.

Every year on my birthday I make sure to at the very least have a slice of banana cream pie. For the past 10 years Jen has been kind enough to make sure I’ve had banana cream pie every birthday. It’s impossible for me to have the pie and not think of grandma and her kindness.
— Daddy Al Varga
Hi Yolande!

I LOVE your blog! It was so much fun to watch the video of your Daddy taking you out into the world for the first time when you and Mommy left the hospital! Daddy was so happy showing you your first glimpse of the world!

Here are some fun pictures of your Grandpa Freddie who you are named after. I will send more but I thought these were fun for now.

The first one is a picture of your Grandpa Fred and “Mimi” (her nick name) or Florence Haney. Mimi is your great great grandmother. She and her husband Fred (who your grandpa was named after) were in baseball. Mimi was a wonderful woman and your Grandpa Freddie loved her.

The next is a picture of your Grandpa Freddie (he’s a teenager here)and his Dad Chuck. They are standing in the house that Chuck built on 16134 Magnolia Blvd in Encino, Calif. Your Grandpa Freddie grew up there.
The next picture is me with Grandpa Freddie and your Grandma Mary. They were visiting me when I lived in San Francisco briefly.

One of the many things I always remember about your Grandfather Freddie was his huge hugs. Whenever you were with him you would just slide under his shoulder and get a very special hug. It was strong and comforting and you knew that he would be making you giggle soon. He was so much fun! Even though you don’t remember it, I’m pretty sure you and he had a long chat in heaven before you came down- just as he did with Ruby and Ben! He wanted you three to know that he is always walking by your side and is super proud of you all taking on this grand adventure of being human. Your Grandpa Freddie believed in Joy, laughter, giving and the magic of this world. He wants you Ruby and Ben to experience all that and more!

So I just wanted to say hi and welcome! will send more stories! We all love you so much!
— Aunt Terry (Fred's sister)