Yolande Freddie Varga

She’s here. Welcome to Yolande’s website! We’ll post new photos here so please check back regularly!

Debuted January 23, 2023!

Yo Freddie

Yo Freddie •

We’re so excited to welcome our baby girl, Yolande Freddie. We’ll post updates, photos and videos on this site regularily.

We would love for you to use this site to share stories with Yolande Freddie - whether you knew her name sakes (Great-Grandmother Yolande Toutant or Grandfather Fred Franklin). Tell her a story, pop in to say hello or good luck in school. She’s so lucky to have you in her life.

As are we! These new parents would love to hear your advice. Please share your secrets!



Meet Yolande Freddie’s namesakes, Yolande Toutant and Fred Franklin.